Strunk and White's Principles Of Composition

Added on by Matthew Sutton.

Follow These and Write Better

  • Choose a suitable design
  • Use the active voice
  • Put statements in positive form
  • Use definite, specific, concrete language
  • Omit needless words
  • Place yourself in the background
  • Write naturally
  • Write with nouns and verbs
  • Revise and rewrite
  • Do not overwrite
  • Avoid qualifiers
  • Do not affect a breezy manner
  • Use orthodox spelling
  • Do not explain too much
  • Do not construct awkward adverbs
  • Avoid fancy words
  • Avoid dialect
  • Avoid mixing languages
  • Prefer the standard to the offbeat

My students should read this book, Elements of Style. They will be better for it. I know I am.

write better

Added on by Matthew Sutton.


  1. Does it move the piece forward?
  2. Stand back from the paper and look objectively at the major chunks. Do they all belong?
  3. Move in a little closer. Are there paragraphs or sentences the paper could live without?
  4. Lean over the pages still closer. Are there idle, cluttering phrases or words?
  5. Get out the magnifying glass. Could shorter words express the thought as clearly? Could some words be shortened?



  1. Is there a unity of subject and scope?
  2. Is there a unified tone and style?
  3. Are verb tenses consistent?
  4. Are paragraphs and sentences to the point and unified?


  1. Are all references unambiguous?
  2. Are all words together that belong together?
  3. Are the relationships between sentences and ideas clear?
  4. Are transitions smooth?


  1. Are all the parts in the right proportion?
  2. Are the important things anywhere but in the middle?
  3. Have I used effective repetition, variable length, and careful positioning?


  1. Have I always select the best word, best phrasing, and most effective diction?
  2. Do my sentences vary in length and form?
  3. Have I scrutinized my verbs? Is the use any of these [am, is, are, was, were, be being, been, will, shall, should, have, having, has had, may, might, must, can, could] a passive verb construction? Could I make any of these active or substitute a noun/preposition in a gerund? Have I used the verb that comes as close as possible to giving the reader an image of the action—without requiring an adverb to make it work?
  4. Have I limited modifiers instead of choosing the right noun? Have I used nouns that come as close as possible to describing the subject (or object) without requiring one or more adjectives? Do the nouns paint images, or are they merely vague abstractions? Have I limited parenthetical explanations, modifiers, and clauses? Have I used to concrete details? Have I made my writing live by stimulating the reader’s several senses? Do I have mixed, confused, or dead metaphors?
  5. Have I avoided distracters like obscenities, sexisms, dialects, clichés, jargons, misspellings, and misuses?
  6. Am I enjoying my writing? Will others enjoy my writing?

adapted from Theodore Cheney's Getting the Words Right

welcome back students fall 2014

Added on by Matthew Sutton.

Greetings and Salutations Students of Fall 2014!

If you're taking my THE 1000C or HON 1050C course, please clicky here.

If you're taking my THE 3215 course, please clicky here.

You're the cat's pajamas.

turning points

Added on by Matthew Sutton.

Mark Noll on Christianity

I loved using Mark Knoll’s book, Turning Points, for teaching the significant dates of the history of Christianity. I don’t use it any more for various reasons including curriculum changes with our intro to Christianity course. Still, I loved it and here are my reading assignment sheets for it:

Introduction: Assignment 1

Chapter 1 and 2 (Dates: 70 and 352): Assignment 2

Chapter 3 and 4 (Dates: 451 and 530): Assignment 3

Chapter 5 and 6 (Dates: 800 and 1054): Assignment 4

Chapter 7 and 8 (Dates: 1520 and 1534): Assignment 5

Chapter 9 (Dates: 1540): Assignment 6

Chapter 10 and 11 (Dates: 1738 and 1789): Assignment 7

Chapter 12 - 13 and Afterward (Dates: 1910 and 1962-65): Assignment 8

why are we reading this

Added on by Matthew Sutton.

Your professor (that’s me) has assigned you several required books because he thinks they will guide you to your goal to be a young intellectual and wisdom professional.

Some speak about this current age as the Information Age because so much information is accessible to so many people. Something new has happened in the history of humanity. Time was, one would need to undergo heroic tasks to acquire the information that is now so readily available to you on your phone, wrist, or glasses. There is something great here for the future of humanity, but most use this Information Age to access stupid information. You know what I’m talking about. Now you know, but did you really need to know?

Your educational path with me means that I hope to train you in becoming a wisdom professional — accessing the galactic nebulae of information, guiding them into sun-forming knowledge (something that you know and that’s not just accessible to you) and then transforming it a proper solar system of wisdom (knowledge that now guides you toward being a better you and guides our culture to being a better culture).

That’s me — forming your mind into a solar system — and that’s why we are reading this.