welcome to doctorsutton.net
My name is Matthew Lewis Sutton. I was born in Washington, raised in South Dakota, educated in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and now live and move and have my being in Jesus Christ in New York City. I am an Associate Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology at St. John’s University.
doctorsutton.net (ds) is where I share my thoughts, writings, and mission as I point to what is true, good, and beautiful.
Thank you for visiting.
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recent publications and press
- New Book Compassionate Presence: The Trinitarian Spirituality of Adrienne von Speyr (Brooklyn: Angelico Press, 2022)
- Heaven Opens: The Trinitarian Mysticism of Adrienne von Speyr (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014)
edited books
- Handing on the Faith, eds. Matthew Sutton and William Portier (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2014)
- On Suffering: An Inter-Disciplinary Dialogue on Narrative and the Meaning of Suffering, eds. Matthew Sutton and Nate Hinerman (Oxford, United Kingdom: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2012)
- New York Times - Interview about Fulton Sheen beatification
- In the Arena - TV Interview - Palm Sunday and Easter
- NetTV Documentary featuring my family and commentary - Mission of Love
- Currents - TV Interview - Interview about Mission of Love
- In the Arena - TV Interview on iHeartradio - Family and Holiness (min 24:24)
notable academic presentations
- Catholic Studies Conference - Theologian’s Dilemma Presentation
- College Theology Society - Catholic - Baptist Convergence
published articles
“‘Precious in the Eyes of the Lord is the Death of His Holy Ones’: A Theology of Holy Saturday for a Culture of Life,” Life and Learning XXIX: Proceedings of the University Faculty for Life Conference, ed. Joseph Koterski (New York: University Faculty for Life, 2019), pgs. 3 - 10.
“The Theologian’s Dilemma: Catholic Studies as Disruptive Innovation,” in Lumen: A Journal of Catholic Studies 5 (2016): 44-64
“Retrieval of Fatherhood through a Retrieval of Faith in God the Father,” in Life and Learning XIX: Proceedings of the Nineteenth University Faculty for Life Conference, ed. Joseph Koterski (New York: University Faculty for Life, 2013), pgs. 191-203
“Hans Urs von Balthasar and Adrienne von Speyr’s Ecclesial Relationship,” New Blackfriars 94 (2013): 50-63
“A Compelling Trinitarian Taxonomy: Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Theology of the Trinitarian Inversion and Reversion,” International Journal of Systematic Theology 14 (2012): 161-176
“Does God Suffering?: Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Theology of Holy Saturday,” in On Suffering: An Inter-Disciplinary Dialogue on Narrative and the Meaning of Suffering, eds. Matthew Lewis Sutton and Nate Hinerman (Oxford, United Kingdom: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2012), pgs. 171-183
“Does God Suffer?: Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Theology of Holy Saturday,” in Making Sense of Suffering: Theory, Practice, Representation, ed. Bev Hogue and Anna Sugiyama, eBook (Oxford, United Kingdom: Inter-Disciplinary.Net Press, 2011), pgs. 31-39, http://www.inter-disciplinary.net/publishing/id-press/ebooks/making-sense-of-suffering/
“Life is Beautiful: A Theological-Aesthetic Argument for Life,” Life and Learning Conference XVIII Proceedings of the University Faculty for Life, ed. Joseph Koterski (New York: University Faculty for Life, 2011), p. 309-322
“Life is Beautiful: A Theological-Aesthetic Argument for Life,” University of St. Thomas Journal of Law and Public Policy 3 (Spring 2009): 15-25
“Mysterium Christi: The Christologies of Karl Rahner and Maurice de la Taille,” International Journal of Systematic Theology, 10 (October 2008): 416-430