review of heaven opens

Added on by Matthew Sutton.

Excerpt of a review of my book Heaven Opens: The Trinitarian Mysticism of Adrienne von Speyr:

"In this ground-breaking book we are treated to an inside look at the thought of the Catholic convert and mystic, Adrienne von Speyr. What is it that makes Christian mysticism "Christian?" Dr. Sutton ably shows that for von Speyr mysticism meant following the Son and led by the Spirit into the Inner Life and Love of God--the Holy Trinity. The first part of the book includes a summary of the Christian narrative of Redemption History from the standpoint of mystical vision--which is worth the price of the book alone. Subsequent chapters look at how the Mission and Obedience of the Son and the Holy Spirit is our paradigm to entering the Triune Life. The last chapters show Trinitarian origins of the Sacraments and Prayer--how the Sacraments and Prayer are the living out of the Holy Trinity! A great introduction into the works of von Speyr and by association to the works of Hans urs von Balthasar."

You can find my book on amazon

prayer for insight

Added on by Matthew Sutton.

Origen (ca. A.D. 185-254)

May the Lord Jesus touch our eyes, as he did those of the blind. Then we shall begin to see in things visible those which are invisible. May he open our eyes to gaze, not on present realities, but on the blessings to come. May he open the eyes of our heart to contemplate God in Spirit, through Jesus Christ the Lord, to whom belong power and glory through all eternity.


goal setting

Added on by Matthew Sutton.

Goal setting is critical. You must be able to answer the question, “Where am I going - now, next week, and next month?”

One way to begin setting goals is thinking about them as short-term, mid-term, and long-term.

Each of these goals have different results but often times are dependent upon one another. If my goal is to write a paper before Easter (long-term), I need to recognize that the initial outline needs to be drafted by next weekend (short-term) and I should be done drafting ideas before the middle of next month (mid-term).

These three steps will help you not only set goals, but help you achieve them:

  • Step 1: Define your goal -- I will write my paper.

  • Step 2: Set a timeline -- I will write my paper by Easter.

  • Step 3: Action Steps -- I will write my paper by Easter by beginning research tomorrow, completing initial outline by end of next week, and be one hundred percent complete by April 5, 2015.

Now, let's talk about YOU!

What are your short-, mid-, and long-term education goals? It is best to plan them in three-week or monthly increments.

When will you achieve them? Give yourself enough time to achieve them but not so much time you feel comfortable with taking a day off.

What must you do today to start the process? Start right now!

Take 5 minutes and ponder these questions. When you are ready, write them down, in this order, and begin the process.

balthasar on the creed

Added on by Matthew Sutton.

I loved using Hans Urs von Balthasar’s book, Credo: Medications on the Apostles Creed, for teaching the significant meanings of the most important creed for understanding Christianity. I don’t use the book any more for various reasons including curriculum changes with our intro to Christianity course. Still, I loved it and here are my reading assignment sheets for it:

Reading Comprehension Sheets:

  1. Introduction and Chapter 1: Assignment 1
  2. Chapters 2 - 7: Assignment 2
  3. Chapters 8 - 12: Assignment 3

Hans Urs von Balthasar. Credo: Meditations on the Apostle’s Creed. San Francisco: Ignatius Press. 2000. ISBN: 9780898708035 Paperback Kindle