Luke Outline

I. The Prologue (1:1–4)

II. The Infancy Narrative (1:5–2:52)

A. The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold (1:5–25)

B. The Birth of Jesus Foretold (1:26–38)

C. Mary Visits Elizabeth (1:39–56)

D. The Birth of John the Baptist (1:57–80)

E. The Birth of Jesus Christ (2:1–52)

  1. Jesus is born (2:1–20)
  2. Jesus presented in the temple (2:21–40)
  3. The boy Jesus in the temple (2:41–52)

III. Preparation for the Ministry of Jesus (3:1–4:15)

A. John the Baptist prepares the way (3:1–20) B. Jesus’ baptism, genealogy, and temptation (3:21–4:15)

  1. Jesus’ baptism (3:21–22)
  2. The genealogy of Jesus Christ (3:23–38)
  3. The temptation of Jesus (4:1–15)

IV. The Ministry of Jesus in Galilee (4:16–9:50)

A. The beginning (4:16–5:16)

  1. Jesus rejected at Nazareth (4:16–30)
  2. Jesus begins his healing ministry (4:31–41)
  3. Jesus preaches in synagogues (4:42–44)
  4. Jesus calls the first disciples (5:1–11)
  5. Jesus cleanses a leper (5:12–16)

B. The beginning of controversy (5:17–6:11)

  1. Jesus heals a paralytic (5:17–26)
  2. Jesus calls Levi (5:27–32)
  3. A question about fasting (5:33–39)
  4. Jesus is lord of the Sabbath (6:1–5)
  5. A man with a withered hand (6:6–11)

C. Jesus teaches the disciples (6:12–49)

  1. Jesus appoints twelve apostles (6:12–16)
  2. Jesus ministers to a great multitude (6:17–19)
  3. The Beatitudes (6:20–23)
  4. Jesus pronounces woes (6:24–26)
  5. Love your enemies (6:27–36)
  6. Judging others (6:37–42)
  7. A tree and its fruit (6:43–45)
  8. Build your house on the rock (6:46–49)

D. Who is this Jesus? (7:1–50)

  1. Jesus heals a centurion’s servant (7:1–10)
  2. Jesus raises a widow’s son (7:11–17)
  3. Messengers from John the Baptist (7:18–35)
  4. A sinful woman forgiven (7:36–50)

E. Jesus teaches in parables (8:1–21)

  1. Women accompanying Jesus (8:1–3)
  2. The parable of the sower (8:4–8)
  3. The purpose of the parables (8:9–15)
  4. A lamp under a jar (8:16–18)
  5. Jesus’ mother and brothers (8:19–21)

F. Jesus, Lord of nature, demons, disease, and death (8:22–56)

  1. Jesus calms a storm (8:22–25)
  2. Jesus heals a demon-possessed man (8:26–39)
  3. Jesus heals a woman and Jairus’s daughter (8:40–56)

G. Jesus and the Twelve (9:1–50)

  1. Jesus sends out the Twelve (9:1–6)
  2. Herod Antipas is perplexed by Jesus (9:7–9)
  3. Jesus feeds the 5,000 (9:10–17)
  4. Peter confesses Jesus as the Christ (9:18–20)
  5. Jesus foretells his death (9:21–22)
  6. Jesus teaches the disciples (9:23–27)
  7. The transfiguration (9:28–36)
  8. The healing of a boy with an unclean spirit (9:37–43a)
  9. Jesus again foretells his death (9:43b–45)
  10. Who is the greatest? (9:46–48)
  11. Anyone not against us is for us (9:49–50)

V. The Journey to Jerusalem (9:51–19:27)

A. The first mention of the journey to Jerusalem (9:51–13:21)

  1. The mission to Samaria (9:51–56)
  2. The cost of following Jesus (9:57–62)
  3. The mission of the seventy-two (10:1–24)
  4. The parable of the good Samaritan (10:25–37)
  5. Martha and Mary (10:38–42)
  6. The Lord’s Prayer (11:1–13)
  7. Jesus and Beelzebul (11:14–23)
  8. The return of an unclean spirit (11:24–26)
  9. Various warnings and teachings (11:27–13:9)
  10. Jesus heals on the Sabbath (13:10–17)
  11. The parables of the mustard seed and the leaven (13:18–21)

B. The second mention of the journey to Jerusalem (13:22–17:10)

  1. The narrow door (13:22–30)
  2. Lament over Jerusalem (13:31–35)
  3. The healing of a man on the Sabbath (14:1–6)
  4. Various teachings and parables (14:7–17:10)

C. The third mention of the journey to Jerusalem (17:11–19:27)

  1. Jesus cleanses ten lepers (17:11–19)
  2. The coming of the kingdom (17:20–37)
  3. The parable of the persistent widow (18:1–8)
  4. The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector (18:9–14)
  5. Jesus blesses the children (18:15–17)
  6. The rich ruler (18:18–30)
  7. Jesus foretells his death a third time (18:31–34)
  8. Jesus heals a blind beggar (18:35–43)
  9. Jesus and Zacchaeus (19:1–10)
  10. The parable of the ten minas (19:11–27)

VI. The Ministry of Jesus in Jerusalem (19:28–21:38)

A. The Triumphal Entry (19:28–40)

B. Jesus weeps over Jerusalem (19:41–44)

C. Jesus cleanses the temple (19:45–48)

D. The authority of Jesus challenged (20:1–8)

E. The parable of the wicked tenants (20:9–18)

F. Paying taxes to Caesar (20:19–26)

G. Sadducees ask about the resurrection (20:27–40)

H. Whose son is the Christ? (20:41–44)

I. Beware of the scribes (20:45–47)

J. The widow’s offering (21:1–4)

K. Jesus foretells the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem (21:5–24)

  1. Jesus foretells the destruction of the temple (21:5–6)
  2. Signs before the destruction (21:7–9)
  3. Nation will rise against nation (21:10–19)
  4. Jesus foretells the destruction of Jerusalem (21:20–24)

L. Jesus foretells the coming of the Son of Man (21:25–38)

  1. The coming of the Son of Man (21:25–28)
  2. The lesson of the fig tree (21:29–33)
  3. Watch yourselves (21:34–38)

VII. The Suffering and Death of Jesus (22:1–23:56)

A. The plot to kill Jesus and the Passover meal (22:1–38)

  1. The plot to kill Jesus (22:1–6)
  2. Preparations for the Passover meal (22:7–13)
  3. The Passover meal and the institution of the Lord’s Supper (22:14–23)
  4. Who is the greatest? (22:24–30)
  5. Jesus foretells Peter’s denial (22:31–34)
  6. Scripture must be fulfilled in Jesus (22:35–38)

B. The arrest and trial (22:39–23:56)

  1. Jesus prays on the Mount of Olives (22:39–46)
  2. The betrayal and arrest of Jesus (22:47–53)
  3. Peter denies Jesus (22:54–62)
  4. Jesus is mocked (22:63–65)
  5. Jesus before the council (22:66–71)
  6. Jesus before Pilate (23:1–5)
  7. Jesus before Herod Antipas (23:6–16)
  8. Pilate delivers Jesus to be crucified (23:18–25)
  9. The crucifixion (23:26–43)
  10. The death of Jesus (23:44–49)
  11. Jesus is buried (23:50–56)

VIII. The Resurrection of Jesus (24:1–53)

A. The empty tomb (24:1–12)

B. Jesus’ appearance on the road to Emmaus (24:13–35)

C. Jesus appears to his disciples (24:36–49)

D. The ascension of Jesus (24:50–53)