1 Kings Outline
I. Solomon’s Reign: The United Kingdom (1 Kgs 1:1-11:43)
A. Solomon Succeeds David to the Throne (1:1-2:46)
B. Solomon’s Wisdom: Internal Affairs (3:1-5:14)
C. Solomon Builds the Temple (5:15-9:25)
D. Solomon’s Wisdom and Apostasy: International Affairs (9:26-10:29)
E. Solomon’s Faults: The Seeds of Division (11:1-43)
II. Israel and Judah: Divided Kingdom (1 Kgs 12:1 to 2 Kgs 17:41)
A. The Revolt of the Northern Tribes (12:1-13:34)
B. Kings of Israel and Judah (14:1-16:34)
- Jeroboam, King of Israel (14:1-20)
- Kings of Judah: Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa (14:21-15:24)
- Kings of Israel: Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab (15:25-16:34)
C. The Elijah Cycle (17:1 to 2 Kgs 1:18)
- Miracles of Drought, Food, and Healing (17:1-24)
- Context at Carmel: Elijah and the Priests of Baal (18:1:46)
- Flight to Horeb (Mount Sinai) (19:1-21)
- The Prophets Confront King Ahab (20:1-22:38)
- Kings: Jehoshaphat (Judah); Ahaziah (Israel)(1 Kgs 22:39-54)