Genesis Outline

I. The Primeval Story (1:1-11:32)

A. Creation of the World (1:1-2:3 P)
B. Creation of Man and Woman; Their Fall (2:4-3:24 J)
C. Cain and Abel (4:1-26 J)
D. Genealogy from Adam to Noah (5:1-32 P)
E. The Flood (6:1-8:22 J & P)
F. God’s Covenant with Noah (9:1-17 P)
G. Canaan Cursed by Noah (9:18-29 J & P)
H. The Table of Nations (10:1-32 P & J)
I. The Tower of Babel 11:1-9 J)
J. Genealogy from Noah’s Sons to Abraham (11:10-32 P & J)

II. The History of the Patriarchs (12:1-50:26)

A. Abraham (12:1-25:18)

  1. Abram’s Call (12:1-9 J & P and Sojourn in Egypt (12:10-20 J)
  2. Abram and Lot (13:1-18 J & P); Abram and Four Kings (14:1-24)
  3. God’s Promise to Abram (15:1-21 J & E)
  4. Ishmael and Hagar (16:1-16 J & P)
  5. Covenant and Circumcision (17:1-27 P)
  6. Story of Sodom and Gomorrah (18:1-19:38 J)
  7. Sojourn in Gerar (20:1-18 E)
  8. Isaac and Ishmael (21:1-21 J & P)
  9. Abraham and Abimelech (21:22-34 E)
  10. Sacrifice of Isaac (22:1-24 E)
  11. Burial Plot Purchased (23:1-20 P)
  12. Isaac’s Betrothed (24:1-67 J)
  13. Abraham’s Descendants (25:1-18 P)

B. Isaac (25:19-26:35)

  1. Jacob Gains Esau’s Birthright (25:19-34 P & J)
  2. Isaac in Gerar and Beersheba (26:1-35 J, E, P)

C. Jacob (27:1-37:1)

  1. Jacob Gains Isaac’s Blessing (27:1-45 J)
  2. Jacob’s Journey to Paddan-Aram (27:46-28:9 P)
  3. Jacobs Vision at Bethel (28:10-22 J & E)
  4. Jacob and Laban (29:1-31:55 E & J)
  5. Jacob and Esau in Transjordan (32:1-33:20 E & J 32:24-32)
  6. Shechem’s Violation of Dinah (34:1-31 J & E)
  7. Jacob at Bethel: From Shechem to Mamre (35:1-29 E & P)
  8. Genealogy of Esau’s Descendants (36:1-37:1 P)

D. Joseph and the Sons of Jacob (37:2-50:26)

  1. Joseph Sold into Slavery (37:2-36 J & E)
  2. Judah and Tamar (38:1-30 J)
  3. Joseph meets his Brothers in Egypt (39:1-45:28 J & E)
  4. Jacob in Egypt (46:1-48:22 J & E 46:8-27; 47:5b-12:P)
  5. Jacob Blesses His Sons (49:1-33 49:1-28:J; 49:29-33:P)
  6. Burial of Jacob and Last Days of Joseph (50:1-26 J, E, P)